Authors |
Portnova Elena Vitalevna, Candidate of juridical sciences, associate professor, sub-department of private and public rights, Penza State University (40 Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. The urgency of the issues raised in the article is caused by the scientific-theoretical and practical significance. Efficiency the fact of proclamation of Russia a democratic righful state means, inter alia, that the protection of rights and freedoms is the duty of the state. Consequently, the organization of human rights activities in the state requires specialized bodies engaged in the ongoing work in this area. Some of these bodies are the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, as well as constitutional (charter) courts of Russian regions. According to law, citizens and their associations have the right to appeal to the bodies of constitutional justice with complaints of fundamental rights and freedoms violation. However, the legislation generally does not specify the range of legal subjects of the constitutional complaint. The purpose of the study is to carry out a comprehensive analysis
of legal acts, as well as judicial practice of the constitutional bodies.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented through analyzing regional legislation and court decisions specifying a circle of persons authorized to apply to the authorities for protection of constitutional rights and fundamental freedoms. A particular attention in this study is given to such subjects as citizens and their associations.
Results. The analysis of the legislation has shown that typical subjects of the right to file a constitutional complaint are the citizens and their associations. However, in its majority the regulations do not decode these terms, which in turns gives rise to legal uncertainty. In this regard, the article describes and analyzes the legal position of constitutional justice bodies (federal and regional levels), concerning the interpretation of the concepts.
Conclusions. It has been found that the right to judicial protection, enshrined in Article 46 of the Constitution, exercised by a constitutional complaint is given to individuals (citizenns, foreigners, stateless persons) and their associations (including legal entities). In addition, the article points out that the effectiveness of the regional bodies of constitutional justice depends on the range of subjects eligible to initiate consideration of a case on constitutionality of a law or another legal act.
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